Why does the government try to make laws that conflict with God’s laws?

The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil (I Tim. 6:10). Those who are seduced by it cause themselves to trust in uncertain riches (verse 17). The Christian is taught to use his money wisely but the thrust of his life is lay up his treasures in heaven (Matt. 6:19). The men who run for office on the national scene must appeal to certain groups to raise money to put them into office. There are some lobby groups who are well funded and often times will dictate to politicians how they should vote and what is important.

In another way the public medium both written and televised assures everyone how that everyone in the country feels. Politicians seeing what the “media” is telling them believe they cannot be elected unless they give in to what all Americans are saying or feeling. The sad thing is that those who get the “microphones” and television exposure are not revealing what most Americans feel. Hence the idea of same sex marriage or abortion is relegated to being a “hot topic” only among “nuts”. The idea of God is pushed out of the public arena so that no one can hear another side of the issues.

There are good men and women in our present government who care for the American people and the American way of life. When they are outnumbered they can be out voted and the powerful lobby groups get what they want and the media takes pride in itself. God is not to be trifled with. He is a holy God who controls all nations (Dan. 4:17). It may be profitable in the minds of some to fight against God. It may appear for a time that what they say and think is right. They can believe that God does not exist or that He is some “Grandfather” type in heaven that does not care what we do. There are no words to say how wrong that is. Jesus Christ will show in His times, who is the Only potentate, Lord of lords and King of kings (I Tim. 6:15).