My belief is the problem rest in two areas. One is “politically correct language” and the other is the “community church mentality”. The politically correct language group does not believe that you should ever tell anyone they are wrong about anything. If the Bible is not the standard then how you feel becomes the standard. If the Bible is the standard then you are right or wrong based on what God has revealed. The woman caught in adultery was told by Jesus that He would not condemn her. The reason being there was no witness to testify and one could not be put to death with those witnesses. Jesus also said to the woman, go your way and sin no more (John 8:11). He was telling her to quit living like she had been.
The second problem group area is those who are victimized by the “community church mentality”. By that I mean people worshipping in a way that pleases them regardless of what God has said. They can do what ever they want to raise money or activities that please them. It is an indirect way of giving in the culture of selfishness. Our forefathers in this country spoke about “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. They recognized that such exalted principles of human activity cannot be supported without laws. Remove our constitution and you have no bill of rights. In the spiritual realm it is much the same. People falsely believe they have a right to be happy. Such happiness is at the expense of throwing out the Word of God.
Ever so often the remnant has to experience a revival of interest in God, His way and in what He says. Men like Hezekiah and Josiah are examples of a return to God. The Word lost and then found with the result being happiness in the hearts of those who found their way back. Our sermons are not to be about hate but they are to be about condemning the things that rob us of true happiness, that is a condemnation of sin. It is not “politically correct” nor is it “pleasing to men” but in God is the only true happiness found by obeying His will.