When it comes time to pay bills and there is not enough money, we have to make choices about which is the most important ones. It could be we have much that we need to do and not enough time to get it all done, we choose which is the most important task. All of our daily lives consist of having to make choices to do what is most important in the issue of money, task, or abilities. Nothing is accomplished by becoming like the sluggard of the book of Proverbs. We observe the ant and consider how that she has no ruler over her and yet she gets her work done (Prov. 6:6-8). The idea of no ruler means she does not have to be supervised but rather, she learns what has to be done and she does it.

Early on in life we as parents we can show children what is more important. If we choose to worship God over a ball game we are leaving an impression on young minds as to what is more important. If time is set aside daily to have study periods with young minds we are again leaving impressions as to which is more important, Bible study or television. Because of technology our children have phones, tablets, computers and so many other things that have an influence on their thinking. Is it wrong for them to play their games on their various devices or to enjoy their favorite television program? It is not wrong but parents sometimes have to help them understand which are the more important things.

Jesus used the practice of tithing to show certain Pharisees how wrong they were. They would make great effort to tithe all that they had (Matt. 23:23). Is such commendable? The Lord then showed them how they were not seeing which is most important. They were tithing physical things and then omitting the greater matters of law, judgment, mercy and faith. Watch not as Jesus taught them and us about making right choices. He said these you should do and not leave the others undone. Tithing all the things in their houses was a good thing to do. Tithing of all they had for the wrong reason was not good. Jesus provides us the truth there was a way to do both.

Earlier a Pharisee had come to Jesus trying to find something wrong with His teaching. The Pharisee asked the question about which is the greatest commandment (Matt. 22:36). Jesus summed it up by saying love God and love your neighbor (verses 38,39). In the 37th verse we find the answer we are looking for. Man is to love God with all his heart, soul and mind. Once such becomes a daily routine of life, for them tithing would be placed into its right place. Developing a love for God with all of our being means we bring to God the very best we have and the best of what we are (Gen. 4:4).

It is easy at times to live in a position of being neutral in order that we do not have to make choices. Sorry but that is not the way to live life. It is a choice about building a tower and first of all sitting down and calculating the cost (Luke 14:28). In former days preachers often hit at the idea that we do not “join” the church but are added to it by the Lord (Acts 2:47). In our efforts to reach the lost with the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ the idea of living for Christ should be part of the message we bring. We are not calling upon people to leave their church and join ours. Instead we desire for them to see we are calling them to Jesus and the great need to follow His steps (I Peter 2:21).

What we believe leaves the impression on others about what is important to us in life. What is greater is to live out what we believe in our daily lives. There can be harmony between what we believe and how we live. The harmony comes by growing into maturity that manifests itself by loving God with all our heart, soul and mind. The more difficult times we live in calls upon us all to make careful choices about which is most important?