I find it amazing that the religious world claiming to follow Christ teach that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came in the flesh. Where my amazement comes in is that the announcing of His entrance into the world as included a description of what would happen once He came. By Luke’s account of the gospel, the Lord God would give to Jesus the throne of David (Luke 1:32). The announcement of Jesus’ coming to Mary said He would be given the throne of David. In the very next verse He would reign over the house of Jacob and of His kingdom there would be no end. Micah said when He came He would be Ruler. Here then is the problem. The religious world teaches He came but the rest of it has been postponed until a later time.
Paul, by inspiration writes that Jesus would reign until all enemies were defeated, the last of which would be death itself (I Cor. 15:24,25). The religious world steps in and speaks about people reigning with Christ for a thousand years. The Bible teaches that Christ must reign until all enemies are conquered, death being the last one. What then will people be doing on earth for a thousand years? Will they have jobs? What purpose would having a job be? To make money to care for your family would be a nice answer but why would you need money, you cannot die? Procreation is out of the question because Jesus said that realm would not exist in the resurrection (Matt. 22:30).
Let us be more specific. If someone asks you about your faith in Christ, what are you supposed to do? God expects us to answer any who ask legitimate questions about our faith (I Peter 3:15). What else is involved in the statement found in I Peter 3? It says we are to sanctify the Lord God in our hearts. Sanctification means to set apart. The Christian then is to set apart Jesus Christ in his life. But if Jesus is not reigning why would you obey Him? Jesus said, all power (authority) is given to Him in heaven and in earth (Matt. 28:18). What power if He is not reigning? The apostles made the application that when Jesus was raised from the dead, it meant that Jesus was sitting on David’s throne. How quickly confusion clears up when we trust and teach the Word of God.