We follow the steps of Jesus (I Peter 2:21). By definition, it means to walk in the light as He is in the light (I John 1:7). If we choose to follow the Lord, we will obey Him (Luke 6:46). Jesus stood before Pilate on trial for His very life. Pilate considered what the Jews were accusing Jesus of being. Pilate asked Jesus about His kingdom. He was trying to find out if this man was a threat to Rome from His followers. Jesus replied that His kingdom was not of this world (John 18:36). His kingdom was not physical in the sense of holding or obtaining territory and therefore marking off what the nation was about. Jesus’ kingdom was His church which had the purpose of touching the lives of men with the truth (James 1:21).
Some today hide behind a clock of deception and talk about “civil disobedience” being necessary. The church does not pursue such an avenue. We pray for those in authority in order that we may lead quiet and peaceable lives (1 Tim. 2:1,2). Christians are not a threat to any government. Accepting the call of the gospel means we are to engage in the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18). If we engage in this ministry we must confront both the doctrines and lives of men who are outside of Christ. It is an Elijah telling a government official that he is the troubler of Israel or a John telling Herod he has no right to be married to the woman he is with. The nature of truth disturbs individuals who are unwilling to change.
What happens if the world around us no longer accepts us for the truth we teach? Then like Christians of all ages, we preach the Word when it is in season or out of season (2 Tim. 4:2). Those in Smyrna were told that some of them may go to prison or even be put to death (Rev. 2:10). Jesus promised to get them through it. We must all work for the Lord to teach men the truth in order to bring their hearts to Jesus. Right now Christians (in the broad sense or the narrow sense of the scriptures) are being put to death in Iraq. Let us prepare our hearts now in the event it comes to our shores. We must obey God.