We begin from the foundation that we all need to be saved by Jesus (Matt.5:3). The answer does not lie within us to remove sin (Jer. 10:23). When Jesus instructed about prayer, He said we are to forgive others as God has forgiven us (Matt. 6:12,14). Each of us should come to know that we need God in order to remove our sins. Our sins are removed when we obey God (Heb. 5:9). Our efforts to reach others should have the foundation that we ourselves needed God. What we are striving to do then is to lead men to the Savior because they need Him. Our efforts should be motivated by the fact that we also needed Him. Such an attitude causes us to view the lost and to keep pride from our hearts.
Jesus showed us that compassion is a vital part as we look at the lost (Matt. 9:36). We have been blessed by God and we want others to enjoy the same blessings (Eph. 1:3). If we do not see our spiritual lives as having been blessed by God we would have a hard time getting others to come to Jesus. The Lord promised an abundance of life (John 10:10). If we see those whom sin is destroying and they need a “Doctor” our compassion should drive us to work hard to get them to the “Great Physician” (Luke 19:10).
In I John 4:9,16 the Bible reveals that God is love. One cannot draw close to God without love starting to grow in our hearts. It is a love for the souls of mankind that causes our prayers, attitudes and actions. We want them to avoid hell, yes. We also want them to get to know God so that the idea of eternity growing in their hearts will motivate them. We therefore speak the truth in love because we have found the “treasure in the field and we want all others to find the same treasure.