Those who produce movies do so to make a profit. In some cases it is not about making profit but rather trying to get across an agenda to the moviegoers without them knowing it. By way of example, how many movies over the last several years have ever been produced which puts God in a good light? How many movies portray marriage in the light of what the Bible says? The clothing worn, language used, ideas conveyed deal more with promoting an agenda than making movies for profit.
A constant theme that the moviemakers keep coming back to is invasion from other planets by aliens. They fly in these special “UFO” crafts and the world is under fire. The whole world unites together to defeat these aliens. Reports surface from time to time of individuals who have seen these “lights” in the sky. People claim they have been abducted by creatures from another planet. Is Hollywood then reflecting the time or is there a hidden agenda to bring all the world under one rule? The Christian has the Word of God as the source and standard for his life (Deuteronomy 29:29). It is the most powerful weapon to deal with hidden agendas.
Why not start at the beginning? Moses writes that God created the heaven and the earth (Genesis 1:1). The creation of the earth proceeds then in chapter one with the formation of land, sea, trees and vegetation. It is not until day four that the stars, planets, sun and moon are created (Genesis 1:14-18). Earth, therefore, was here first before all the things which are out in space. So what, you ask? In all the movies, creatures from other planets are always more developed than those of the earth and are always greater in knowledge. The Bible shows God beginning with the earth and the creation of things in space followed that.
In all the movies produced by Hollywood, no alien seems to care or be interested in the sin problem. God, before He created the earth and all things, established how it was that He would save man from the sin problem. Man, created on day six, was going to need a Savior. Paul calls it the “eternal purpose” which God the Father purposed in His Son, Jesus the Christ. Before Adam was ever created, God determined the means of man’s salvation (Titus 1:2). The prophecy uttered early in the book of Matthew was about the coming of the Savior (Matthew 1:21).
This verse also declares that Jesus would save His people from their sins. When Moses wrote about the coming of The Prophet, he reveals that the prophet would be a Jew, “of thy brethren” (Deuteronomy 18:15). Is Matthew therefore revealing that Jesus died just for Jews only? John tells us that Jesus was the propitiation for our sins and for the sins of the whole world (I John 2:2). The mystery of God hidden from the world was that God in the last stage of man on earth would have a people composed of both Jews and Gentiles (Ephesians 3:5,6). Jesus, therefore, died for all men, both Jew and Gentile. The wording then of Matthew 1:21 of “His people” must carry the meaning of all humanity. Jesus is God and He left heaven and became flesh and lived among us (John 1:14). Jesus was made in the “likeness” of men (Philippians 2:7). He had human characteristics in as much as He was born of the Jewish people. On day six of creation week, when God brought the woman to Adam, Adam knew immediately that woman was no animal but someone like him. Jesus took upon Himself the form of a servant and was made like men. Therefore for all the movies made, who are these alien creatures like? They are always different than men. Their bodies or powers are always superior to man and therefore fear is created by their existence.
Moses, in writing about the events of the creation week, sums up each day by saying it was good. In six twenty-four hour days, everything God created was good. Man, on day six, was created in the likeness and image of God (Genesis 1:26,27). The agenda of Hollywood is to keep alive the foolishness of evolution. To them the earth is just the “third rock from the sun” and man being here is just a blind accident. I do not fear aliens, UFOs or any such thing, I fear God, don’t you?
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