There are some things in life that just do not work out. Those who engage in short cuts such as trying to win the lottery. The ideal being if I just hit the big number all my problems would be solved. The Christian knows that he is to earn his way in life by honest toil and labor(Ephesians 4:28). Whatever he finds to do, he is to do it heartily as he is doing it for the Lord (Colossians 3:23). He does not spend time trying to please some boss on this earth because the reality is, he is working for the Lord no matter who signs the paycheck. The individuals who see their life’s problems being solved by taking short cuts will find out, that some things in life just do not work.
Those who believe that they can engage in certain acts of worship while their life outside of worship is foreign to God’s will, should know, that such will not work out. In what is called the “sermon on the mount” Jesus spoke about those who come to offer worship and remember that their brother has ought against them. What are they to do? Jesus said go be reconciled first, then come offer your gift (Matthew 5:23,24). The implication is that one’s worship is affected by how they conduct their life outside of worship. If one succumbs to pride, envy or jealousy in their private lives, they need not think God will accept their public worship. When we worship God, it must be sincere and not in vain (Matthew 15:9).
This is what I meant in our title. Some things will not work, no matter how hard one tries. The Bible is written in such a way as to bring us to faith in Jesus the Christ (John 20:30,31). We have never seen Jesus yet we are to love Him (I Peter 1:8). I can, therefore, read the “old, old story” and see Jesus through what is revealed (Galatians 3:1). By the same token I can read of the failure of things that people tried in life and, therefore, I do not have to make the same mistakes. What happened to Israel is a record left in the printed page for me to know what to avoid. Briefly I am not to commit idolatry, fornication or tempt the Lord (I Corinthians 10:7-9,11). I should be able to read of what they did and know the folly of such conduct.
Is it possible to serve idols and serve God? Jesus said no man can serve two masters (Matthew6:24). The answer then would be “no”. Is it necessary for me to attempt to serve idols and God to find out that such a life, does not work? I do not have to engage in the sinning business. I can read and know how foolish it is to not serve God. God warned Israel that if they chose to be willing and obedient, their crops would grow (Isaiah 1:19). The very next verse warns about not being obedient and dying by the sword. The book of Psalms opens up by telling us the way of the righteous man will always prosper (Psalm 1:3). Before one jumps the gun and thinks this is about getting wealthy they need to read verse two.
The reason that the righteous man prospers in whatever he does is that his delight is in the law of the Lord. It is in that law that he meditates day and night. Such meditation would lead the righteous man to not steal but work with his hands to provide for his family and give to others. Paul left Trophimus sick at Miletus (II Timothy 4:20). Does that sound like prosperity? It is not in accumulation of things but rather the quiet life lived for Jesus which results in an abundance of life. That kind of life will always work out.