One of the major flaws in the Rapture is the idea of Jesus returning to earth to set up a physical kingdom. First question in my mind is why is He going to return? If it is to set up a kingdom then we are faced with the truth that Jesus failed to do so when He came the first time. Standing before Pilate, He was pressed by Pilate about whether or not He was the King of the Jews. Jesus answer was that He came to the earth to be a King (John 18:37). He came also to the earth to save man from his sins (Matt. 1:21-23). How do you make the two statements where they are not the same thing? He came to be a King and to be the Savior of the world. Oh, He is the Savior of the world but He could not establish His kingdom.
What does this language do the scriptures? The book of Numbers reveals this about God. If He says something, will He not do it? If He speaks will He not make it good (Num. 23:19). I then move to Acts 2 and the start of the church. Jesus was approved by God to the world by miracles, wonders and signs (Acts 2:22). He was delivered to death by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God (verse 23). How do we reconcile Jesus failing to do what the Father sent Him to do?
The prophet Daniel said in the days of the fourth world power from Babylon that God would set up a kingdom. John the one who immersed people declared the kingdom was at hand in his day (Matt. 3:2). Jesus one chapter later said the kingdom was at hand (Matt. 4:17). The Word of God is not be tampered with (Deut. 4:2). God spoke through the prophets and in the last days, speaks to us by His Son, Jesus the Christ (Heb. 1:1,2). What last days? The Rapture people have us now in the “church age” and that will be followed by the “kingdom age”. God receives glory by Jesus Christ through the church. He then concludes by saying, “ without end”(Eph. 3:21). Paul just did not understand the Rapture. Do you?