Our televisions are now flooded by candidates giving us reasons to vote for them come November. When they pay time for 30 to 60 second spots to get their message out, they have to choose their words very carefully. Our mailboxes likewise are filled with ads from candidates seeking our votes. Because we are so busy such ads in our mailbox often tends to be thrown into the garbage because we do not have the time to read what they are saying. When we turn to the scriptures we must remind ourselves that in New Testament times those we read about did not have the right to decide who their leaders would be.
In our country unlike most countries of the world we can cast our vote for the person we think will best serve our country. This requires us to look beyond the sixty-second spots on television or the ads in our mailbox. Jesus warned about spiritual matters. The false prophet would come in sheep’s clothing trying to hide the fact that he was in fact, a wolf. How would the people of God know if one was false or real? The quick answer was by what they produce, that is their fruit, Jesus taught, you can know (Matt. 7:15). What would be the difference between a Pilate and a Herod? What if those under Roman rule could choose which one to govern over them? They had no choice, but we do.
There are many physical things that candidates speak about concerning economics and security. We are spiritual beings and not like those of the world. Which candidate or party platform speaks about saving the unborn child? Which candidate speaks out about same sex marriage or making all bathrooms and locker rooms neutral? Which candidate speaks about Christian values? I have never seen in all the elections I have been allowed to participate in, this person is a Christian and the other is not. We strive to vote for the one who will best lead our country from our own spiritual values derived from the teachings of Jesus Christ. For our wives, daughters, sisters and grandchildren, let us answer this question. Who do we want in the White House, a “potty mouth” or a sexual predator? Do not stay at home, get out and vote.