Tag: works


    The prophet Jonah receives a command from God to go to Nineveh (Jonah 1:2). He flees responsibility and heads the other way. If a person seeks to disobey God, they are always moving away from God. No doubt there is sins that are ones of ignorance. The case of Jonah depicts one knowing exactly what…

  • More Thoughts On Works

    A man named Felix had an opportunity to meet and study with the apostle Paul. Felix’s wife was a Jew and he had more knowledge about the way which Paul was speaking about (Acts 24:22-24). He was not swayed by the enemies charging Paul but instead desired to hear what Paul said. The book of…

  • Salvation By Works

    Some parts of the religious world have often taught that you cannot be saved by works. We have even had some in the church to espouse the same false idea. How then do we solve the issue? We should know that man has to have knowledge beyond himself to direct the course of his life…

  • Where do men get the idea that works cannot save you?

    Error regarding the doctrine of Christ is always someone perverting the existing gospel of Christ (Gal. 1:7). God is not the author of confusion (1 Cor. 14:33). If confusion arises from the Word of God, someone is teaching something different than what the Lord revealed through the Spirit. An example is Hymenaeus and Philetus. These…

  • Doer of the Work

    The Bible is from God and He is not the author of confusion (1 Cor. 14:33). There can be no claim of contradiction without impugning the nature of God. God gave us His written word to allow all men who chose to, can find the truth which sets men free. The finding of truth requires…

  • How do we get the religious world to understand works?

    The heart of trying to reach the religious world finds a high wall created by those who knowingly teach error. They pour over books like Romans or parts of Ephesians to establish that first into the concept of “works”. In order to teach that man is saved without doing anything, they must change in some…

  • Grace, Not A System Of Works

    The above words represent a steady effort upon the part of the religious world to deny responsibility on the part of man. The passage in Romans 6:23 is often cited to put forth the idea that the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ the Lord. Use of the word “gift” implies to…