Tag: sin

  • What is meant in 1 John 5:16 about “a sin unto death”?

    Sin is a transgression of the law (I John 3:4). If sin is left unchecked in the soul of man it will lead to spiritual death, that is separation from God for all eternity (James 1:15). Eternal condemnation is the payment or wages of sin (Rom. 6:24). Jesus shed His blood on the cross that…

  • Are some sins greater than others?

    Sin is a transgression of the law of God (I John 3:4). Sin can be seen as something we do as in a one time act or something that we live in, daily. Paul wrote about Gentiles and how they lived in sin before they became Christians (Col. 3:7). This refers to living in sin.…

  • Sin Offering and Effort

    The idea of salvation by works causes most people in the religious world to rise up quickly.  Some in the church, after spending too much time reading after denominational writers, come to the conclusion that we are saved by grace alone.  Both ideas come from the same pool.  Those of the religious world want to…