Tag: rapture
It cannot be because you have studied your Bible and reached the conclusion that Jesus failed to establish His kingdom. It is impossible for God to lie and He promised that in the days of the fourth world power from Babylon, that He would set up His kingdom (Dan. 2:44) . Any doctrine whose conclusion…
There are so many different beliefs concerning the Rapture such as “dragon”, “beast”, “false prophet” and “tribulation” to name a few. When engaging in a study with those who believe the Rapture I have found the best way is to restrict the area of study. Those who promote the Rapture will depend heavily on prophecies.…
The Return Of Jesus
One of the major flaws in the Rapture is the idea of Jesus returning to earth to set up a physical kingdom. First question in my mind is why is He going to return? If it is to set up a kingdom then we are faced with the truth that Jesus failed to do so…
Time of Matthew 24
What I have read from those who believe in the Rapture, all the events described in Matthew 24 are yet in the future. In particular based on current events the belief is that it is about to happen in the near future. No prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation (2 Peter 1:20).…
The Kingdom of Heaven & The Kingdom of God
The religious world has a serious problem on their hands as they try to deal with the idea of the kingdom that God was going to establish. The prophet Daniel said in the days of these kings God would set up a kingdom (Dan. 2:44). If one begins with Babylon being the head of gold…
How can we help those who believe in the rapture/end times doctrine?
We should begin by trying to get them to see that the Bible is from God but also that it can be understood. Stress the fact that God is not the author of confusion (I Cor. 14:33). When you discuss the “end times” there is much division as to what certain things mean. When people…
What About Gog and Magog?
Most of the teaching about the rapture will, at some point, deal with the statement from the book of Revelation about Gog and Magog (Revelation 20:8). When I have read some of their explanations, they try real hard to get Gog and Magog to be Russia and China. They will do a geography lesson of…
Why do all the things about the rapture and end times stir people up so much?
I begin by saying that the scriptures shows there is no private interpretation of the scripture (II Peter 1:20). What that means is when Micah said Jesus would be born in Bethlehem, no other city could have been used by God (Micah 5:2). Prophecy of the scripture requires diligent effort to find the meaning. When…