Tag: obedience

  • We Ought To Obey God

    These words came from the apostles in Acts 5.  Earlier in chapter 4 it was Peter and John in trouble with the authorities.  Here in Acts 5 it was all the apostles who were standing trial, perhaps even for their lives.  They had been warned back in chapter four to not preach in the name of…

  • What would be involved in obeying God rather than man in our time?

    We follow the steps of Jesus (I Peter 2:21). By definition, it means to walk in the light as He is in the light (I John 1:7). If we choose to follow the Lord, we will obey Him (Luke 6:46). Jesus stood before Pilate on trial for His very life. Pilate considered what the Jews…

  • How do we get the religious world to understand works?

    The heart of trying to reach the religious world finds a high wall created by those who knowingly teach error. They pour over books like Romans or parts of Ephesians to establish that first into the concept of “works”. In order to teach that man is saved without doing anything, they must change in some…

  • Obtaining Grace

    All men will not be saved (Matt. 7:13,14). Those who will be saved are those who have obtained the grace of God. Such language should not convey the idea that man can be saved by his own merit or goodness. Jesus taught that those who are poor in spirit will have the kingdom of God…