Tag: grace
There should be no discussion about grace being “unmerited”, that is not deserved by man. Grace is the favor of God given to mankind. By His grace crops grow because sunshine, rain, seed and efforts of man in planting and harvesting the crop (Matt. 5: 45; Acts 14:17). At times evil grows and all humanity…
Is freedom itself something that occurs with no effort? One of many great signs that point to the coming of the Messiah in the Old Testament is found in Isaiah 61:1. Here are two things to signify the work of the Messiah (Christ) when He would come. One is proclaiming liberty to the captives and…
Obtaining Grace
All men will not be saved (Matt. 7:13,14). Those who will be saved are those who have obtained the grace of God. Such language should not convey the idea that man can be saved by his own merit or goodness. Jesus taught that those who are poor in spirit will have the kingdom of God…
Are people who believe in “Faith Only” and “Grace Only” sincere?
No one knows the hearts of all men. My experience has been that most of the ones whom I have been able to study with are sincere. If you ask me “Do they study their Bibles?” Once more I find that those whom we are able to study with do indeed, study their Bibles. The…
Grace, Not A System Of Works
The above words represent a steady effort upon the part of the religious world to deny responsibility on the part of man. The passage in Romans 6:23 is often cited to put forth the idea that the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ the Lord. Use of the word “gift” implies to…