Our New Home

Today marks our first Sunday in our new home. The name carried over most of the years was Garfield Heights church of Christ. It is now known as Stop 11 church of Christ. I would like to stress that we are now in our new home. The things over the years that gave this congregation an image here locally and in the brotherhood as well, continue to day as they always have.

The eldership over the many years have had different names and men with different personalities. The eldership continued to hold fast the form of sound doctrine and would not tolerate error from the pulpit or classroom. Men who have already passed from the scene of life who gave their all to preserve the integrity of the gospel will never be forgotten. New generations coming on the scene may not know of the battles and struggles that these men have faced and how hard they worked to keep the church going in the right direction. It is not just some “pious platitudes” thrown out but rather it is about men, not perfect, but determined to keep the church going in the right direction. Our current eldership upholds the same mantle passed to them by others who wore the name elder.

This church has conducted a lectureship over many years of its existence. In its thirty-third year of having the opportunity to spread the gospel from the pulpit, by tapes, DVDs, and books, the truth has never suffered. Looking back over the years some of the biggest names in the brotherhood have stood in the pulpit as well as those who have conducted gospel meetings here. Some became men who could no longer work together, but when they were together the truth was sounded out. The tapes and DVDs of the lessons along with the books contain sound material that could aid anyone, anywhere to build their faith. Some of those very famous men have departed the scene of life but the work they left behind continues to bless the church locally and universally.

The efforts needed to provide meals at the lectureship was done by the women of the church. It required hours of preparation, money spent and time to set up, take down and get ready for the next day’s lectures.

The men who have occupied the pulpit as ministers, likewise, speak volumes of determination to stay the course and do what was right. No uncertain sounds nor departures from the truth ever came from any of the men who have occupied the pulpit of this great church. Each man had different personalities and skills in communicating the truth. There was never a time when truth suffered because some uncertain sound came forth.

We suffered a division in 2008. The current membership stayed the course and now today we are in a new building. It is with sadness that we note the departure from the faith for some and sadness because death has claimed others. There is today, however, great joy because of the ones who choose to remain faithful and continued to encourage the work here. You all have paid a great price in terms of a rented building without some comforts in order to get to where we are today. Thank all of you for fighting the faith and encouraging the work of the Lord in this house, which is the house of God.

For you see, today the church that was formerly known as the Garfield Heights church of Christ is now the Stop 11 church of Christ. Only the location has changed. It is the same church bought and paid for by the blood of Christ which has been in existence in the city of Indianapolis for some 70 years. It is made up today as it always has been of people trying to live for the Lord in their daily lives, stumbling, falling, arising, and continuing to work for the cause of Jesus Christ.