Matthew 5:6 “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.”

The one who desires to become a Christian should be properly taught as to the blessings enjoyed and the responsibilities that must be accepted. The Christian is to seek the things above and set his affections on things there (Colossians 3:1,2). The deeper he studies in the Word of God the more he knows about the blessings that come from God and he, therefore, enjoys the abundance of life (John 10:10). Jesus was teaching His disciples about learning how to find the things that are most important in life. That search would cause the maturing Christian to deny himself, take up the cross and follow the Lord (Matt. 16:24).

Jesus in teaching men to pray said that men should thank God for and ask for our daily bread (Matt. 6:11). He knew the concerns they would have about the cost of following the Lord. Those who talked a good game but did not have the heart to follow the Lord were turned off by Jesus. How did Jesus do this? He said to one, I have no place to lay My head, do you want to follow Me? To another Jesus said sell all that you have and that man went away sorrowful. Those who were sincere, Jesus tried to help them see the care of God.

He used the example of birds and flowers to show the care God had for His creation. If God takes care of nature, He will take care of you. The conclusion would be to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matt. 6:33). Those who make that search the priority of their life will be cared for by God. Paul explained to the Philippian Christians, God will supply all your need (Philippians 4:19). It is not physical needs because Paul said he at times did suffer need (verse 12). The righteous person would have their spiritual needs met. Verse 6 says the same thing, they shall be filled.