You know, things are surely bad now, are they not? There is so much trouble in the Middle East and other places. Violence, hatred, new diseases and a growing lack of confidence in our government are among the things that come at us daily. It is no wonder that people are afraid and deeply concerned about the future of our country or even for that matter, the world. What is the Christian to do? It is time to evaluate some things and begin to make distinctions to clear up the confusion.
The last several mornings here in Indianapolis have seemed more like September or October rather than August. This is surely one of the “signs” that the whole world is looking at as proof that the end is near. First of all, where in the Scriptures do we read about climate change being one of the signs of the very end of all things? Moses wrote in the long ago that as long as the world stands, seasons will continue (Genesis 8:22). It does not follow then to say that every summer or fall will always be the same temperature from year to year. What is evident based on the Scriptures and the validation by the world around us, the temperatures may vary from year to year but we still have spring, summer, fall and winter. God is right.
Yes, our economy is in trouble because those in power in Washington keep printing money when there is nothing to back it up with. Consider if you go and write a $50 check and you have $30 dollars in your bank account. How long will you be able to keep writing checks? Yet, our government continues this insane policy with our national debt rising higher each day. Yes, we have those in Washington who help promote the hatred between the races. Harry Reid used the race card in Washington this week. He implied that opposition to President Obama’s plans are made because of race. Once more I ask ,what does this have to do with the end of time?
What we need to do is to ascertain the source of fear in our times. Is fear of our times from God? Did not God teach us that He takes care of the birds and that He will take care of us (Matthew 6:26). The flowers of the field not tended to necessarily by man provide beautiful scenes for all to see, knowing they are seen after and are from God (verse 28). God affirms that He has not given His people a spirit of fear (II Timothy 1:7). Likewise, God taught us to not fear those who could kill our bodies (Matthew 10:28). We can still learn from the Psalms about walking in the “…valley of the shadow of death “(Psalm 23:4). Every good gift comes from God (James 1:17). God is right.
Do we have home invasions today in our country? Do people steal our cars or trucks? Is the name of God being systematically removed from public view, whether on our coins or in public discourse on federal property? It is questions that the answer is already implied or understood. The point is what do we do? Should we live in fear each day because some “nut”may start a killing spree in the mall where we are walking? What about groups of teenagers beating up people for the sake of beating up people, that isffor no reason. It is time for us to pause and contemplate the will of God. There is no “new” temptation out there (I Corinthians 10:13). The avenues of sin remain the same day by day. We may have different ways to practice them but the avenues of lust of the flesh, eyes and pride of life continue to be the source (I John 2:16).
In short, we are made more aware of the problems in our world due to technology that allows us to learn of some event half way around the world within minutes of it happening. Faithful people have always been in the minority and since there is no new sin today, we are faced with the same problems former Christians had to face. The lesson for us is to trust the promises of God and cease to live our lives in fear. A maturing Christian faith casts out fear (I John 4:18). Let us mature, brethren.