Leaving A Baby Alone

Within the last week a mother left her 18-month old baby asleep while she went into the store. The last I heard it was for about ten minutes. At any rate, she got arrested and her name was put on some kind of list. A follow up was some kind of discussion between two women on a major network. One thought it was excessive to put the woman’s name of a list while the other one argued that someone had to speak out for the 18-month old child. She assigned that right to the government. Leaving a child alone under those circumstances is poor judgment. I would like to consider the debate that took place afterwards.

What raises my concern is simply this. The woman said it was up to the government to protect that little child of 18 months. What if we backed it up 18 months where a woman and her doctor can terminate a pregnancy under the banner of “choice.” The government accepted studies from various experts and found that a child receiving a good hot meal for breakfast would cause them to function better in school. We have had the hot meals for little children as the government sought to protect them. The only problem is that with all that good food, test scores continue to fall. Back to my original question. Who protects the child inside the womb?

The Supreme Court had a hard time deciding about when life begins. So with a 5 to 4 vote, the Supreme Court made their decision about when life begins. When they heard the case of Roe V Wade, they were admitting a given difficulty. Why would you need to get the permission of the highest court in the land to kill something that was not alive? When they heard the arguments, it has to be admitted that what was inside the mother was alive, otherwise you need no court decision.

We live in a time when no one desires to submit to the idea that there are standards men should live by. What standard did the highest court use to determine what should be done with what was inside the mother? Whatever scientist or legal expert that could be called, why not go to the One who caused all life to begin, that is God. The Supreme Court could not go there for such an attempt would mean that there is a God. What about the court of human reasoning? One thing that is done with a great deal of effort is to keep hidden from the public how abortions are done, the places where they occur and the harm to women who submit to an abortion.

Let us by pass the experts and go to God. God is the One who gives to all life, breath, and all things (Acts 17:25). Further more it is stated that once life is here, God is the One who sustains life on this planet (verse 28). Why not debate the issue then? May life or our planet exist without God? You see the experts do not want a discussion about how we got here. On one hand they make assumptions that man evolved from lower animals. They then tell us that the baby in the womb is alive and we need the state’s permission to kill it. They have no explanation of how we got here nor do they honor the value of life inside the mother.

Here is the formula given by God. A man leaves his father and mother and cleaves to his wife (Genesis 2:24). It could not have been two men or two women because then you would have no one beyond them. I accept God’s definition of marriage. Let us move then to the next step. Adam knew Eve his wife, that is they had sexual relations. Two men or two women can certainly engage in that action. The next statement in Genesis 4:1 is that Eve conceived. Two men or two women cannot achieve that. The follow up to that is God tells us that Eve gave birth to Cain. Why not by pass the knowing and the conceiving? As surely as God defined marriage between a man and a woman, He, likewise, defines for us how Cain arrived on the scene.

The government of our country or any country; a court or group of individuals or an individual possess no right to tamper with what God has revealed to us (Deuteronomy 4:2; Proverbs 30:6; Revelation 22:18,19). Our world suffers at this very hour because too many are doing what is right in their own eyes (Judges 17:6;21:25). There is coming a day in which all will bow and confess that Jesus is Who He claimed to be (Philippians 2:10).