Is our world today becoming like the days of Noah?

Take a few moments to contemplate similarities between our times and the days of Noah. The world was thinking evil at all times, that is the exclusion of God from setting the direction for life. We must exercise caution at this point. We may reach conclusions based on what television or the written pages tell us. Everything that comes out now through the various mediums such as television, computers, phones or gadgets seek to tell us how things are in the world. The caution is the world may not be as bad as it is portrayed or it may be even worse than what see through various mediums out there. We can see many similarities between us and Noah’s days.

Let us take a brief look at history. Israel was slaves in Egypt for some 400 years. They were forced to build buildings and work hard under difficult circumstances. Certain elements in the nation of Africa sold their own people to be slaves. In our more recent times, men like Hitler, Stalin and others sought to make the world submit to them. My point is that hatred, violence, selfish desires have always plagued humanity. Our times are so bad because we are living in and around the ungodly who vex our souls every day by their unlawful deeds (2 Peter 2:8). Our strength and comfort is found in verse 9. The Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations.

Jesus warned that some may be thrown into prison or even have to die for the Lord (Rev. 2:10). We can read about men like Stephen and James coming to death (Acts 7 and Acts 12). Nature has its storms with horrible results to humanity. But it is God who placed a rainbow in the sky to remind us that He is there during and after the storm. We should pray daily for those in authority in order that we can live quiet and peaceable lives (I Tim. 2:2). If we lose that quiet and peaceable life, the promise from God is that He will never leave nor forsake us (Heb. 13:5). As bad as times are now it does not prove the world is about to end. God handles that, not us.