How do we teach people the truth about the antichrist?

There are people who have sincere hearts and can be reached by the truth (Luke 8:15). A major problem we are faced with today is a lack of Bible knowledge among those of the religious world. I saw a sign recently on one of the denominational groups signboard out front. It said something about where faith begins, worry ends. The religious world treats faith in the sense of believing something without having to act on it. When the crisis of turmoil in our world begins to happen, an absence of Bible knowledge drives men to listen to their feelings or what some man tells them the Bible says.

The doctrines around the “end times” are many and will always lead to confusion. Such an arrival should convince reasonable people that something is wrong because God is not the author of confusion (I Cor. 14:33). It is good to show those of the religious world that Jesus is the author of faith and that faith’s origin is the Word of God (Heb. 12:2; Rom. 10:17). When there are so many conflicting views, it is in the interest of teaching others that we need to establish the Word of God as the absolute authority. The time we spend establishing the Word of God as the authority is never time wasted.

A major draw back is earthquakes, wars, diseases and political unrest is the daily diet of many today through our various mediums. People have lost confidence in the government because of so many scandals. Where do they turn? Men who misuse the scriptures will offer things to people through teaching which are not based on scripture. Our efforts to teach others can get us bogged down trying to answer all the conflicting ideas presented by men. I believe our best hopes lies in getting men back to what God has revealed and trusting that. Faith can be instilled to calm fears and build hope and peace. Let us all work to that end.