How did Jesus feel toward those who were sinners?

There can be no question that Jesus loved the sinner (John 3:16).  Unlike the Moslem world today who, at the point of a sword, would change everyone to their way, Jesus changed people by affecting their hearts.  It was and is, His love that takes the sword out of men’s hands.  Jesus taught us that those who are in sin are those who need a Physician (Luke 19:10).  It would be unwise to go to a doctor with an ailment and then refuse to take the medicine he offers.  Jesus saw the sinners as those who needed Him as the Doctor who could remedy their sin problem.

He, likewise, saw the sinners as those being in prison.  Jesus came to open the prison to allow men to come to freedom.  The sinner had to be taught that it is the truth that sets men free (John 8:32).  Everything that Jesus taught was to enable men to come to spiritual life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10).  No man can find true happiness or peace separated from God.  Jesus endured the shame of the cross in order for all men to be saved (Hebrews 12:2).  He saw the actions of His enemies as being those who acted in ignorance.  As He would say they know not what they are doing (Luke 23:34).

His great love, neither in the Old Testament or in the New Testament never allowed Him to permit men to stay in their sins.  On one occasion Jesus early in the morning was teaching in the temple area (John 8:2).  A woman was brought to Him by the Pharisees interrupting His teaching.  She was a woman caught in the very act of adultery (verse 4 ).  This is not Jesus associating with immoral people.  This is an immoral person brought to Him in the temple area.  Using the law of Moses, He breaks up the crowd of His self seeking enemies.  What then does He say to this woman?  It is alright for you to live this way?  No, He says, go thy way and sin no more (verse 11).  Jesus loved the sinner and He wanted the sinner to change to enjoy life and have hope of eternity with God.