Has time finally run out for America?

Let us take a moment and define some terms. The nation of America had its beginning by individuals from all other lands who came together to build a new life in a new land. We point to the time of 1776 as beginning for on July the 4th of that year we declared our independence. Our history then covers over 200 years filled with both good and bad moments. Here is where we need to add some defining ideas to our minds. If one means by America what television or Hollywood shows us, that is different than what our forefathers founded. We likewise need to define that what the media shows us as being what all Americans believe is not true.

I bring up these kinds of definitions for us to understand the issue of time having run out for America. Everyone in this country does not believe in a separation of church and state; same sex marriages; homosexuality; no guns in the homes and a toleration of everyone no matter what they believe or abortion. If the majority of our country does so believe or act on it then we would surely be faced with demise as much as Damascus, Edom or Ammon. Brethren we do not know how far down the road we are in spite of what the media tries to tell us. Christians in a city or a nation provide an influence toward God and hope for the future.

Noah’s day reached a level where God would no longer delay the judgment and the whole world was destroyed except for eight people (I Peter 3:20). The four cities of Sodom, Gomorrah Adamah and Zeboim were all destroyed except for Lot and his two daughters. We can see trends which disturb us but the actual end no man knows. So it is with the end of time. No man knows when that will occur but it will occur. Our nation is in serious trouble. We need to spend time in prayer and resolve to so live that we will at all times be the servants of Christ, even if it cost us our comfort or our lives (Rev. 2:10).