There should be no discussion about grace being “unmerited”, that is not deserved by man. Grace is the favor of God given to mankind. By His grace crops grow because sunshine, rain, seed and efforts of man in planting and harvesting the crop (Matt. 5: 45; Acts 14:17). At times evil grows and all humanity suffers because of it. Even though evil at times does grow the assurance from God is that He, and He alone, is in control (Dan. 4:17). The favor of God is revealed in the world around us in as much as at a given time God controls the growth of evil. His favor is likewise seen in the growth of nations of one kind or another. God’s influence in our lives calls upon us to be in obedience in whatever land we live (Rom. 13:1-5).
The favor of God bestowed on man with the end result being the salvation of man is met with conditions laid down by God. Those who argue there is nothing we can do to bring about our salvation (that is the favor of God) will have a difficult time if they return to scripture. The first people to hear the gospel of Christ preached by His authority were told to repent and be baptized to remove or remit their sins (Acts 2:38). The apostles continued to encourage the audience to act on what they had been told. In this second line of encouragement they are told to “save yourselves” from this untoward generation. If they had to act to save themselves why would anyone argue, man has nothing to do.
Paul met the Lord for the first time on the road to Damascus. His meeting with the Lord did not remove one single sin. His own telling of the event was that he went into Damascus as per the commands of Jesus. He goes to Damascus and spends 3 days fasting and praying. Surely now he is a convert to Christ? I have repentance and praying. The pamphlets that I have read speak often and clearly about the “sinner’s prayer”. How is it that a man who we know wrote 13 books of the New Testament could not remove even one sin by what he did. Could it be that the “sinner’s prayer” is in conflict with John 9:31? The man there says we know that God does not hear sinners.
Ananias comes to Paul and tells him this is what you need to do. The belief is not what is stated here. He had met Jesus; been told Who Jesus was by Jesus; told to go to Damascus and there it would be told him what to do. Ananias the wording used by Ananias; “be baptized”. Does that not show us that man must do something? The Christian is to “be kind and tenderhearted” (Eph. 4:32). Is that just something think about or believe? Is not the wording of “be kind and tenderhearted” something you not only believe but something you do?
What is the proper way for Christians to love? The Christian is to love the brotherhood, that is all those who share the same belief system in Jesus the Christ. Christians are to love one’s neighbor which would mean anyone who is in need of mercy (Luke 10: 25-37). We are certainly to love fellow Christians (John 14:15). Yes, we are to love but how do we love?
God inspired John to write these words. That we do not love in tongue (that is talk a good game) but we love in deed and in truth (I John 3:18). The favor of God then would rest would those who make loving God a part of their daily existence. A good scribe once came to Jesus about what was the greatest commandment. The answer from Jesus was to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength (Mark 12:30). Would God favor those who pretend to keep such commands? Grace reigns (rules) through righteousness (Rom. 5:21).