God Over Nature

God is the source of all creation and life (Gen. 1:1).  All life consists by the laws that God has put into motion (Col. 1:17).  God gives to all men, whether they know it or not, life and breath (Acts 17:25).  He made man in His own image and likeness (Gen1:26).  Man is different than animals in that man can not only reason but reason correctly.  He made the blood of man and the blood of animals to be different (Acts 17:26).  Of all the creation, man alone has the ability to choose to honor or dishonor God.

Is it the thinking of man, that God started everything and then backed off to see what would happen?  The Bible provides us with the knowledge that God has always cared for mankind and that He has always been active in striving to direct man in the right direction (Jer. 10:23).  All mankind has been blessed by God, whether they are righteous or unrighteous (Acts 14:17; Matt. 5:45).  The sun rises and sets, crops grow, food provided and every breath by every man is owed to God.

God continues to control nature in order for life to be sustained.  Each person, city or nation may do things to make their lives better but the existence of life belongs to God.  The steady message by those of the world with a hidden agenda was about “global warming”.  When the cold of winter and their “false numbers” began to be made known, they changed it from “global warming” to climate change. Remember dear brethren these are just words to hide hidden agendas by those who have no interest in God.  They foolishly think they control nature.

Communism, a false faith, preaches the idea that man will go through certain “stages” and will finally reach “utopia”.  When you point out to those who have been seduced by this false faith that the evidence is against them, they ignore the evidence.  Under Communism economics do not get better neither does the conduct of those under it improve.  As an existing faith it has miserably failed humanity.  Why is that the case?  Because it, like all other false religions, believe that man is in control and given the right circumstances that man will create a better world by creating a “better man”.

The President’s wife wants all public schools to provide only those snacks with less than 200 calories.  Our schools can teach about all different religions but not about Christianity.  One can point out that Humanism is a religion and its component parts are taught in our public schools.  The government at present is trying to make it mandatory for children to start school at 4 years of age.  Why is that the case?  Because the government assumes the position that they know how to make a “better man”.  Whatever the language or the hidden agenda, the message is still the same, God is not in control.

The days of Noah were filled by those who had been seduced by this false thinking.  The world had corrupted the way of the Lord (Gen. 6:12).  The question raised by God to Cain gives a small clue to the direction of the world which reached its end.  The question was, “where is Abel thy brother?” (Gen. 4:9).  Cain dismissed any responsibility for knowing or caring about his brother.  The days of Noah was a world filled with violence and the thinking of man was on evil all the time (Gen. 6:5,11).  The world of Noah’s day did not “need God”.  They, in their pursuit of selfish intent and desire,  reached the conclusion that they knew what was best.  The rockets being fired at Israel and Israel responding back; the bloodshed and violence in Iraq and other parts of the world is the emerging again of the thinking of man.  Man thinks not only that he knows best but that he is in control and not God.

God sent an universal flood to purge the world of this vile and foolish thinking.  It is thoughts that continue to arise and plague humanity.  We are “smarter than God”.  God gave a promise to Noah as a reminder.  As long as the world stands, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will not cease.  Do you know why?  Because God is in control (Dan. 4:17).