For many years there has been controversy among God’s people about whether or not God dwells personally in a Christian or if He dwells by means of the written Word. In days gone by it did not serve to break fellowship among faithful brethren. Those who maintain that God’s Spirit dwelt within them, continued to live righteous lives. Likewise those who maintained that He dwells with us through the Word continued to live righteous lives. Both groups could therefore be in fellowship because both groups were striving to walk in the light as He is in the light (I John 1:7).
Fellowship is not disturbed as long as one teaches that righteousness is through Jesus the Christ and our determination to so live. If one moves to a point and suggest that the Spirit does something different to one person over another, fellowship becomes threatened. I am taught by God to study His Word (2 Tim. 2:15). The more I learn about God, through a search of the scriptures, it increases my appreciation for God and a desire to honor Him with all my being. Does the Spirit give me special insight when I study? If He does then study alone will not build faith (Rom. 10:17). It would require me comprehending what I have studied and the Spirit giving me insight. The belief of such “insight” would threaten fellowship.
Under the Old Testament where did God dwell? He dwelt or lived among His people in the temple. No matter what tribe they may have lived in, the temple was where they connected to God. The temple today is the church where God lives. I have a connection with God in the church which means I should never sever my relationship to the church. We live for Christ in our daily lives and are therefore connected to God by our conduct (Gal. 2:20). As long as we can affirm that whatever God does He does through His Word, then fellowship can be enjoyed by all. If one maintains a special help from the Spirit, fellowship is threatened.