How many of us have often found ourselves running late for work. A red light stops us and we take it personal as those some unseen person switched the light to make you late for work. Someone busy on their cell phones does not realize the light has changed and they just sit there. Sometimes in frustration about being late to work, we find that device on our steering wheel and use it ever so gently to remind the person on the cell phone, it is time to go. We have all come across these distractions at one time or another. The problem created by the red light or someone not paying attention may not be so hard to dwell with if we had left for work on time.
Brethren there are many distractions which keep us from the work of the Lord. Is time a distraction to keep me from the work of the Lord? In reality each of us have the same twenty four hours, no more or no less. We each recognize that the use of time deals with priorities. Whether it is making a list of what has to get done or just arranging the activities of the day to get as much done as possible. As a minister of the gospel of Christ I have more time to invest in study than many of the members. That is truly not the issue. No one’s amount of study is based on another person. One’s study is that which has to be approved by God (2 Timothy 2:15). Time can be a distraction or the proper use of it can allow for moments to investigate what God has revealed.
Making a list or settling in our mind what we want to get done will move us in the right direction. Work, raising a family and building faith all takes time. Let us use time then that whatever we do is to the glory of God (Matt. 5:16; Col. 3:17).