Paul instructed Timothy to not be entangled with the affairs of this life (2 Tim. 2:4). The word entangled would mean to be entwined with the affairs of this life. Peter uses the same word in speaking about those who are pulled away from the Lord and become entangled in the pollutions of the world (2 Peter 2:20). Would it not stand to reason that Paul was warning Timothy as did Peter to not become involved with the pollutions of this world which would take one away from the Lord. Some read the statement to Timothy and take it mean to not be involved with the things of this life.

That reasoning does not agree with other scriptures. For example the Christian is taught to be the salt, preserving influence, in the world in which he lives. If not being entangled as per Paul’s statement to mean avoiding the world, how then would be able to influence the world? Same chapter calls upon us to allow our lights to shine (Matt. 5:16). The purpose of the shining is that men of the world would see our good works and glorify God.

Why did Mary and Joseph go back to Bethlehem? Because there was a decree which went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world be taxed (Luke 2: 1). Aquila and Priscilla came to Corinth because Claudius had commanded that all Jews leave Rome (Acts 18:2). Acts 22:25 used Roman law to prevent him from being beaten. Later as Paul penned the letter to the Christians in Rome, he encouraged them to be obedient to those in power. What stirred up certain ones in Ephesus and Thessalonica? Was it not the preaching of the gospel? Regarding Ephesus the tradecraft of idol makers was being threatened by the preaching of Jesus the Christ. All this shows is that Christians live in an ungodly world, which can affect the way we live our lives (Titus 2:12).

In life people wear different “hats”; father and mother, parent and child, neighbor and friend. May I suggest some things in order of importance? I am a Christian, a follower of Jesus the Christ. Because of that I cannot hate any person because of the color of the their skin, their wealth or lack thereof, where they were born or what ideals govern their lives. The God we serve is said of Him, “God is love” (I John 4:8). His Son came to this earth and died for us because of the love that both He and the Father had for mankind. We infringe on such love if we choose a path of hatred.

I am an American and choose to follow the law of the land that is our constitution. By being an American I want to abide by the laws of the land and seek in no way to undermine the principles that guided the forming of this nation. I am a son of the South having been born and raised in Alabama. I take pride in what our state has accomplished, regret any mistakes which have been made and have respect for all the things done to lead us to where we are. I have lived for over 22 years in the great state of Indiana. I feel toward the state here as I do toward the state in which I was born. There are outside forces working against the unity of our country. They set up the guidelines to promote hate among races of people, economic status, and of more recent days, where one was born. The first thing I listed was that I am a Christian. I have watched over the news media events in our country where violence erupted, death and injury occurred. One thing I know for sure is that by following Christ my voice nor my ideals I try to live by would have been listened to by any side of that angry mob.

Paul made a defense of his faith in Jesus, speaking in the Hebrew tongue to a crowd who was trying to kill him. They gave him silence and he began his defense (Acts 21:40). The angry mob having been silent immediately went back to anger when Paul spoke of going to Gentiles (Acts 22:21). The Lord nor His will nor His way has changed in over 2000 years. Let us as Christian pray, know God’s will and if given an opportunity defend the faith, and do all in our power to diffuse the growing anger.