Changing of the seasons

Those who are extracting money from people through “false science” warned us bout “global warming”. When the numbers did not match up with the warnings, they changed the name of it to “climate change”. Now they can still collect money by calling it something else. In somewhat a similar way, people in religious settings began years ago to speak about the changes in nature. When those changes in nature begin to take place it is a sign of the coming of the Lord. The fact that Jesus taught that no one knows when the world will end does not deter them from making such false statements (Matt. 24:36).

There is no scriptural place to go to warn people about the changing of the seasons. When Noah came from the ark God made a promise to him that He (God) would never again destroy the world with water. The next time it will be by fire but it like the universal flood of Noah’s day, it will be at God’s choosing not men. In chapter 9 of Genesis God placed a rainbow in the sky with the promise of never destroying the planet by water. How long has it been since rainbows have not occurred? Could it be that God promised and has kept His Word? There have been floods but never a universal flood.

Since God keeps His Word and it is impossible for Him to lie why not listen to Him (Heb. 6:18). God says as long as the earth stands (Gen. 8:22). Is the world still here today? As long as the world stands certain things will continue. God says, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night shall not cease. When you go to the grocery store do you expect to find food? Is not the food a result of “seedtime and harvest”? Would you refuse to buy coats because our planet is heating up? What time is it now? Oh, yeah that is based on the rotation of the earth is it not? Let God be true and every man a liar (Rom. 3:4).