Category: Q&A
When we speak about people not understanding the truth, does it not also apply to Christians as well?
In the conclusion of our question from last week, we spoke about daily search and application of the truth. The Christian must allocate time on a regular basis to a search of God’s Word. The issue cannot be dismissed on the basis of someone saying that they are a “daily Bible reader”. It requires effort…
Why don’t people study their Bibles and accept the truth?
There is really no simple answer. At the heart of the problem is in some cases people are governed by emotions. They go to a stadium and their favorite team wins the game. They are “happy” for the victory. Such an emotion cannot be translated to mean they are happy in life. Most of the…
When churches divide, is it because of personalities?
The heart that does not belong to Christ is rooted in the idea of selfishness. There may be different stages as one heads toward selfishness. The idea, however, is that one begins his service to God by denying himself (Matthew 16:24). A movement away from God is, therefore, a movement back toward selfishness. The man…
What can we do to help win souls back who have gone astray?
I do not mean for this to be a flippant answer. We are a people of prayer. We believe in the power of prayer to our holy God that it accomplishes much (James 5:16). Prayer has conditions attached to it. We must pray in faith (James 1:6). Our prayers must be according to the will…
What are these mysterious lights or ships in the sky which normal people claim to have seen?
I do not argue that people have not seen something. Take these two examples from the Scriptures. In Genesis 37, the sons of Jacob brought to their father, the coat of Joseph that had blood all over it. Jacob reached the conclusion based on what his eyes saw, that Joseph had been killed by some…
Why does the media around us perceive that Christianity is a threat to our way of life?
The only true religion is the religion of Jesus the Christ because He is the only Savior and solution to man’s sin problem. The denominational world or non-denominational world of religion is false. Jesus prayed that all His followers would be one as both He and the Father were One (John 17:21). God is not…
What is meant in Matthew 5:24 about leaving your gift at the alter?
Jesus, in Matthew 5-7, is showing what the kingdom would be like, once it was established. More to the point, what kind of person would make up the kingdom of God? He used the existing law of Moses, which they already knew, to make His point. Paul makes the point in Romans 8:29 about being…
Why do all the things about the rapture and end times stir people up so much?
I begin by saying that the scriptures shows there is no private interpretation of the scripture (II Peter 1:20). What that means is when Micah said Jesus would be born in Bethlehem, no other city could have been used by God (Micah 5:2). Prophecy of the scripture requires diligent effort to find the meaning. When…
What does it mean when the Bible says, “Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness”(Romans 4:3)?
This statement goes back to the life of Abraham as recorded in Genesis 15:6. Moses says it was counted for righteousness. The religious world has a “field day” on this passage. They come to Romans 4:3 and they state if a man tries to save himself by works, he discards the idea of grace. They…
What is meant by “Live by the sword, die by the sword” in Matthew 26:52?
This incident occurred in the garden when Jesus was taken prisoner. When the multitude came, Peter attempted to save Jesus by taking a sword and trying to kill the closest one to them, being Malchus. Peter did manage to cut off his ear with the blow from the sword. Jesus prevented it from going any…