Category: Q&A
What is to be the reaction of Christians to the way the government is taking a stand against God?
Knowledge of God and His will is vital to what we face at this time. We read about a king named Nebuchadnezzar who thought himself to be on top of the world. He attributed his greatness and kingdom to his own power and wisdom. When God was finished with him at the end of Daniel…
What all is meant by the sin of being covetous?
The word as used in the New Testament means “more to have”. A person is never satisfied and will spend all they have to obtain some material object or person. As Christians we are taught that whatever we do, we do it in the name of the Lord; that is, for His glory (Col. 3:17).…
Is it possible for us all to be on the same page?
The scriptures are from God (2 Tim. 3:16). God is not the author of confusion (1 Cor. 14:33). The assumption that we cannot all be on the same page would mean we cannot understand the Bible. It would help to clear up what is meant by everyone being alike. Paul spoke of the divisions in…
What about those who have already had an abortion?
Some, because they were ignorant of what was really happening, may have done so thinking they were really not putting an end to a human life. It is done in some cases to hide immoral conduct. In other ways it is done because someone does not want the burden of having to raise a child…
What all would be involved for the Christian to confess Christ?
Preachers have the moral and spiritual obligation to speak the truth of God in order to help fellow Christians to come to deeper faith. God has given us everything that pertains to life and godliness (II Peter 1:3). Anything that pertains to the living of the Christian life should be addressed by what is in…
As Christians, how do we explain the events in our own lives as it relates to God?
We begin by understanding that once sin entered our world, everything changed. Those changes brought pain and suffering into our hearts and minds. If one would want to view God in a correct manner look at what Adam and Eve had before they were taken in by Satan. They had each other, work to do…
Is it scriptural to pay money to attend “Polishing the Pulpit”?
Brethren, as I stated in my bulletin article I am searching for a scriptural reason to charge people to come hear the gospel. I have bought tapes, DVD’s, books and other kinds of materials to help my understanding of the scriptures. I have debate books and commentaries that help me to better understand a scripture…
What is the meaning of “false Christs” in Matthew 24:24?
If one listens to all the hype about the rapture, it comes down today to mean that there is some kind of one world government that will be formed. There will be one money or banking system and all the world will be under one roof. Today many are confused and their belief in God’s…
Why are churches changing their names?
The case of once faithful brethren who have moved away from the faith, it is good they have changed their name. The emphasis of the church is on saving the souls of men. We have a commission from God to take the gospel into all the known world (Mark 16:15). We know that men cannot…
If all scripture is inspired by God, what causes men to not trust what God has said?
The passage from II Timothy 3:16 affirms that all Scripture is from God. As a follower of Jesus the Christ it must go deeper. By that I mean it is not enough to state that one believes the Scriptures are inspired by God. We must come to the deeper point of knowing that what God…