Category: Q&A

  • Why is suicide a growing problem in our country?

    Suicide, by its very nature, comprises selfishness. The individual has given up for one of two reasons. Either they cannot face what they have done or they think that things cannot improve. I use the word “selfishness” with some reserve. Leaving a note behind does not answer questions that family and friends try to answer.…

  • What would be involved in obeying God rather than man in our time?

    We follow the steps of Jesus (I Peter 2:21). By definition, it means to walk in the light as He is in the light (I John 1:7). If we choose to follow the Lord, we will obey Him (Luke 6:46). Jesus stood before Pilate on trial for His very life. Pilate considered what the Jews…

  • Who should we vote for in the upcoming mid-term elections?

    If I gave you a name or names to vote for, there would be an outcry on the part of some about “preaching politics”. I make, then, no such announcement as to name or names for whom we should vote . Whether this party or that party will do the most is really not an…

  • Is our world today becoming like the days of Noah?

    Take a few moments to contemplate similarities between our times and the days of Noah. The world was thinking evil at all times, that is the exclusion of God from setting the direction for life. We must exercise caution at this point. We may reach conclusions based on what television or the written pages tell…

  • How much time do we need in bible study?

    We generally have two periods of Bible study set aside each week by the church. Once on Sunday morning and again on Wednesday evening. On Sunday we have two periods of Bible study as we engage in worship. The church, in most places, provides this much time. It is becoming, sad to say, a trend…

  • How do christians live in a divided home?

    There can be two ways to view divisions in this case.  One is if there are internal wars going on in the home and the second is there is a division caused by some not obeying the truth.  Internal conflicts can be overcome if both parties are willing to submit to Jesus and His way…

  • Where do men get the idea that works cannot save you?

    Error regarding the doctrine of Christ is always someone perverting the existing gospel of Christ (Gal. 1:7). God is not the author of confusion (1 Cor. 14:33). If confusion arises from the Word of God, someone is teaching something different than what the Lord revealed through the Spirit. An example is Hymenaeus and Philetus. These…

  • Can all prophecies be understood?

    Let us pose the question in this way. Will the truth set men free? We know that Jesus declared that truth would set men free (John 8:32). It must be understood in the context of the time that all truth had not been revealed at the time Jesus was on the earth. Jesus promised the…

  • How can I know what I have heard or read is the truth?

    In very simple terms there is the wisdom of the world and the wisdom of God. My concern should be the wisdom of God. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Prov. 1:7). I come to wisdom when I understand how God has acted in scriptures and how God thinks. Paul writing…

  • Does the spirit of God dwell in the individual Christian?

    For many years there has been controversy among God’s people about whether or not God dwells personally in a Christian or if He dwells by means of the written Word.  In days gone by it did not serve to break fellowship among faithful brethren.  Those who maintain that God’s Spirit dwelt within them, continued to live…