Category: Q&A
I find it amazing that the religious world claiming to follow Christ teach that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who came in the flesh. Where my amazement comes in is that the announcing of His entrance into the world as included a description of what would happen once He came. By Luke’s account…
Is freedom itself something that occurs with no effort? One of many great signs that point to the coming of the Messiah in the Old Testament is found in Isaiah 61:1. Here are two things to signify the work of the Messiah (Christ) when He would come. One is proclaiming liberty to the captives and…
What lies behind all the violence and bloodshed caused by Islamic terrorists?
There is no way to measure the effects of how we were raised. The eighteenth chapter of Ezekiel deals with teaching in the home and its acceptance or rejection. If a righteous man raised a child who became evil the father would not have to answer for the son. If the son raised by an…
Our citizenship is in heaven. What then is our responsibility to the land in which we live?
Prayer is the right of every Christian (Eph. 1:3). If one is outside of Christ their prayers cannot be accepted by God (John 9:31). We are the servants of Jesus the Christ and are therefore bound to abide by His will (Luke 9:36). Part of His will is that we pray for those in authority…
What is meant in 1 John 5:16 about “a sin unto death”?
Sin is a transgression of the law (I John 3:4). If sin is left unchecked in the soul of man it will lead to spiritual death, that is separation from God for all eternity (James 1:15). Eternal condemnation is the payment or wages of sin (Rom. 6:24). Jesus shed His blood on the cross that…
How do we learn to slow down and keep our minds on God in a fast-paced world?
We must consider why the world is moving so fast. For some it is a thirst to grab all that life has to offer. It may mean working all the time to make more money to buy a bigger house, a better car or nicer clothes. Each of those things have no error connected to…
Is there anything wrong with having patriotism?
We are like father Abraham in that we looking for a city whose builder and Maker is God (Heb. 11:10). This world is not our home in that we realize that we are just “passing through”. Does that mean that we have no care for the land in which we are living in? The Christian…
If Christianity or our daily lives are a struggle, how do we appeal to lost man?
Let us take a moment to clear some things up. Life is a struggle whether one is a Christian or not. The rain from heaven that causes crops to grow and therefore food for us, comes on the just and the unjust (Matt. 5:45). The first twelve verses of Psalm 73 are about the prosperity…
With so much turmoil, violence, and anger in the world, how do we as Christians understand the power of thanksgiving?
I speak of thanksgiving of the heart not some national holiday. In the first century world, Christians were driven from their homes (Acts 8:4). Some were tortured, placed in prison and even killed (Acts 26:10,11). If one dared to confess Christ they could be put out of the synagogue or even face death (Matt. 10:32;John…
Why are so many turning away from God?
My belief is the problem rest in two areas. One is “politically correct language” and the other is the “community church mentality”. The politically correct language group does not believe that you should ever tell anyone they are wrong about anything. If the Bible is not the standard then how you feel becomes the standard.…