Category: Articles

  • A Promise To Build

    Jesus and His apostles come into the area of Caesarea Philippi (Matthew 16:13).  Jesus asks them, who do men say that I am?  Various answers came from the apostles, all of which pointed to men of the past who had been good men.  Jesus then asks, but who do you say that I am (verse 15)? …

  • Thy Kingdom Come

    An acceptable part of prayer is that prayer must be made in faith (James 1:6). If one lives a life contrary to God’s will their prayers will not be accepted by God (John 9:31).  A person who refuses to live as God would have them to live must understand that sinful life separates one from…

  • Does God Lie?

    God affirms about Himself that He does not change (Malachi 3:6).  He further states that it is impossible for Him to lie  (Hebrews 6:18; Titus 1:2).  If God said something was going to happen and it did not,  then one could say He is not God.   God used holy  men to write down in the…

  • Two Men

    The news from Egypt and Syria comes into our homes daily.  There is so much upheaval  in our world.  Russia, China and other nations are beginning to speak about what will happen if Syria is attack.  I have this past week read things from people claiming to follow Jesus.  There is increasing interest in Isaiah…

  • Whom Did Jesus Teach?

    Jesus Christ is not just a Savior, He is the only Savior of the world (Matthew 1:21; Acts4:12).  This sublime truth puts us at odds against most of the world around us.  The word “tolerance” is used so much today to imply all religions should get along with each other.  There is only one “Savior”and…

  • A Time of Prayer

    A Time of Prayer

    Those who come to know Jesus by teaching of the Word of God know the value of prayer. We are instructed to pray when we are afflicted (James 5:13). The idea of casting our cares upon the Lord implies prayer (I Peter 5:7). We are to pray always showing once more the value God places…

  • Living With Fear

    You know, things are surely bad now, are they not?  There is so much trouble in the Middle East and other places.  Violence, hatred, new diseases and a growing lack of confidence in our government are among the things that come at us daily.  It is no wonder that people are afraid and deeply concerned…

  • Sin Offering and Effort

    The idea of salvation by works causes most people in the religious world to rise up quickly.  Some in the church, after spending too much time reading after denominational writers, come to the conclusion that we are saved by grace alone.  Both ideas come from the same pool.  Those of the religious world want to…

  • Things That Do Not Work

    There are some things in life that just do not work out.  Those who engage in short cuts such as trying to win the lottery.  The ideal being if I just hit the big number all my problems would be solved.  The Christian knows that he is to earn his way in life by honest…

  • Hard Preaching

    Everyone probably has their definition of what “hard preaching” is. Preachers who are serious about the truth are finding the very task of preaching to be harder and harder because so many have lost real love for it. It is not uncommon to hear somebody say about a visiting preacher, or someone of  whom they have received report, “He…