Author: Charles Blair

  • More of What Isaiah Saw

    Isaiah had seen in chapter two the exalting or lifting up of the Lord’s house. His vision from God saw that the lifting up of the Lord’s house would have the effect of all nations flowing unto it. The meaning could have one of two possible conclusions. One is that all nations would be obedient…

  • How do we come to a proper understanding of truth?

    We study to show ourselves approved to God (2 Tim. 2:15). Using the example of those in the first century, they were studying what they heard from inspired men, daily (Acts 2:46; Acts 17:11). Today we do not have inspired men but rather an inspired Book. We should exercise what we have learned from those…

  • Why is there so much confusion regarding certain prophecies from the Old Testament?

    We are faced with one of two conclusions. Either the Spirit of God gave men “words” to write or He gave them “thoughts”. The answer from scripture is that God gave them “words” (1 Cor. 2:13). The Bible is clear about men tampering with the Words which God gave by which we have scriptures. We…

  • What Isaiah Saw

    What Isaiah wrote about was what came from God. He therefore wrote what God showed him so all future readers of the Bible would develop a trust in God. There was at one time a growing concern on the part of Israel concerning false prophets. In Deuteronomy 18, Moses had revealed that there was coming…

  • Has time finally run out for America?

    Let us take a moment and define some terms. The nation of America had its beginning by individuals from all other lands who came together to build a new life in a new land. We point to the time of 1776 as beginning for on July the 4th of that year we declared our independence.…

  • Judgment To Come

    The man, Amos was called by God to go and speak to the northern tribe of Israel. The opening chapters deal with the coming judgment by God for the conduct of various nations. All those cited were those connected to Israel or Judah. The judgment of God would fall on these nations because of their…

  • Why is Jesus shown with long hair in paintings and movies?

    It would be hard to know, especially older paintings, what the mindset of the artist was. It would be hard to know what film makers have as their attitude without asking them. Some of what we call “Masterpieces” portray Jesus with long hair and perhaps Hollywood influenced by such paintings just create their image of…

  • What Did Jesus Look Like?

    Thanks to Hollywood and various artist of one kind or another the world has an idea of what Jesus looked like. That is all that it is for no man knows what Jesus really looked like. Movies and or books try to show Jesus by some man’s concept of what he thought Jesus would have…

  • A Promise Long Forgotten

    The integrity of God rest on the foundation that God cannot lie (Titus 1:2). The voice or testimony of two witnesses should in most cases verify the truth. The writer of Hebrews explains how it is that God cannot lie. One is the oath that God made and the second is God Himself. By these…

  • What is the connection between the rapture and Genesis 12:3?

    The Rapture, no matter which view one takes of it, will have a final major war occurring in the land of Israel. The battle is called the battle of Armageddon (Rev. 16:16). According to the Rapture theory, nations will come together to defeat and wipe out forever, the nation of Israel. The journey is a…