Author: Charles Blair
Moslems and the Rapture
Prejudice is judging an entire group by what a few do. The solution to any prejudice is to make a sincere effort to find the real facts. The brethren in Berea received the message of hope through Jesus the Christ with all readiness of mind (Acts 17:11). Receiving the word did not stop there. It…
Our citizenship is in heaven. What then is our responsibility to the land in which we live?
Prayer is the right of every Christian (Eph. 1:3). If one is outside of Christ their prayers cannot be accepted by God (John 9:31). We are the servants of Jesus the Christ and are therefore bound to abide by His will (Luke 9:36). Part of His will is that we pray for those in authority…
Of the People, By the People, For the People
“Of the people, by the people, for the people.” These words have long described the early efforts by our forefathers to create a government in which the voice of man and of reason would triumph over hate and anger. It was to be a representative government in which the voice of the people could be…
Our New Home
Today marks our first Sunday in our new home. The name carried over most of the years was Garfield Heights church of Christ. It is now known as Stop 11 church of Christ. I would like to stress that we are now in our new home. The things over the years that gave this congregation…
Nineteen Years of Reflection
When a preacher takes over a new work there is excitement and concerns. Some nineteen years back I took the work here. Because of the men who occupied the pulpit before me it was a joy coming here. There were no spiritual “knots” to untie or scriptural errors to be concerned about. I stepped into…
What to Expect When You Visit the church of Christ
Most people are a little apprehensive about visiting a new church. We hope a few words will help set your mind at ease about visiting our congregation. The church of Christ is a growing, friendly church. We are a diverse congregation that reflects the fact that God’s church is for all people. The crowd often…
The Kingdom of Heaven & The Kingdom of God
The religious world has a serious problem on their hands as they try to deal with the idea of the kingdom that God was going to establish. The prophet Daniel said in the days of these kings God would set up a kingdom (Dan. 2:44). If one begins with Babylon being the head of gold…
What is meant in 1 John 5:16 about “a sin unto death”?
Sin is a transgression of the law (I John 3:4). If sin is left unchecked in the soul of man it will lead to spiritual death, that is separation from God for all eternity (James 1:15). Eternal condemnation is the payment or wages of sin (Rom. 6:24). Jesus shed His blood on the cross that…
The Call To Be Still
The close of the 46th Psalm speaks about the work and power of God. In verse 8 we read about the desolations in earth. These desolations are attributed to the power of God. Jesus, a short time before His trials and crucifixion, said to the Jewish people, “Your house is left unto you desolate” (Matt.…
How do we learn to slow down and keep our minds on God in a fast-paced world?
We must consider why the world is moving so fast. For some it is a thirst to grab all that life has to offer. It may mean working all the time to make more money to buy a bigger house, a better car or nicer clothes. Each of those things have no error connected to…