Author: Charles Blair

  • Earthquakes

    As I write this article two earthquakes have occurred, one in Italy and another in Burma. The death and destruction from such events is hard to imagine. Recently in the state of Louisiana flooding has caused tremendous damage with people losing their homes and property. Tornados ripping across our country often leave behind death, destruction…


    The prophet Jonah receives a command from God to go to Nineveh (Jonah 1:2). He flees responsibility and heads the other way. If a person seeks to disobey God, they are always moving away from God. No doubt there is sins that are ones of ignorance. The case of Jonah depicts one knowing exactly what…

  • More Thoughts On Works

    A man named Felix had an opportunity to meet and study with the apostle Paul. Felix’s wife was a Jew and he had more knowledge about the way which Paul was speaking about (Acts 24:22-24). He was not swayed by the enemies charging Paul but instead desired to hear what Paul said. The book of…


    I find it hard to believe that individuals who want us to believe we are not under law, ignore passages like Romans 8:2. In that scripture we have the wording of “law of the Spirit”. If there is a law of the Spirit and it is connected to Jesus the Christ, then you have both…


    Matthew records for us that Jesus, a second time cleansed the temple area. The enemies of Jesus came to challenge Him on the issue of authority. He placed them on the hot seat by asking where John got the idea to baptize people in water for the remission of their sins (Matt. 21:23-27). Following this…


    Paul in his second letter to the brethren in Corinth made a contrast in 2 Cor. 1:24. On one hand you have the wording of “dominion over your faith” and on the other hand, the words of “helpers of your joy”. A reasonable mind would know that dominion over your faith is not consistent with…

  • Rule of Authority

    Jesus promised to build His church (Matt. 16:18). Did He build it? Paul says that the church is the house of God (I Tim. 3:15). The book of Hebrews shows that Christ is a Son over His own house (Heb. 3:6). He purchased the church with His own blood and therefore it belongs to Him…


    The above words are found in the 84th Psalm verse 10. In the verse the righteous man makes a contrast for all future readers of God’s Word to think about. What is the contrast? The righteous man chooses to be a doorkeeper (lowly position) than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. On one hand…


    On the day of Pentecost, in Acts 2 the church had its beginning. About 3000 people repented and were baptized to wash away their sins (Acts 2:38-41). Individuals who had their sins washed away contacted the blood of Jesus by being immersed in water. The second chapter of Acts closes by telling us the Lord…

  • What lies behind all the violence and bloodshed caused by Islamic terrorists?

    There is no way to measure the effects of how we were raised. The eighteenth chapter of Ezekiel deals with teaching in the home and its acceptance or rejection. If a righteous man raised a child who became evil the father would not have to answer for the son. If the son raised by an…