Author: Charles Blair

  • Where do men get the idea that works cannot save you?

    Error regarding the doctrine of Christ is always someone perverting the existing gospel of Christ (Gal. 1:7). God is not the author of confusion (1 Cor. 14:33). If confusion arises from the Word of God, someone is teaching something different than what the Lord revealed through the Spirit. An example is Hymenaeus and Philetus. These…

  • Doer of the Work

    The Bible is from God and He is not the author of confusion (1 Cor. 14:33). There can be no claim of contradiction without impugning the nature of God. God gave us His written word to allow all men who chose to, can find the truth which sets men free. The finding of truth requires…

  • Weep No More

    The prophet Isaiah wrote about the coming kingdom and the Messiah who would rule in that kingdom.  His message came from God and not some guess about a future event (2 Peter 1:20, 21).  The prophets of the Old Testament inquired (asked about) and searched diligently concerning the grace that would be revealed (1 Peter…

  • Can all prophecies be understood?

    Let us pose the question in this way. Will the truth set men free? We know that Jesus declared that truth would set men free (John 8:32). It must be understood in the context of the time that all truth had not been revealed at the time Jesus was on the earth. Jesus promised the…

  • How can I know what I have heard or read is the truth?

    In very simple terms there is the wisdom of the world and the wisdom of God. My concern should be the wisdom of God. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Prov. 1:7). I come to wisdom when I understand how God has acted in scriptures and how God thinks. Paul writing…

  • How Are Men Saved?

    There would be as many answers to that question as there are religious bodies claiming to follow Christ. Our soul is the most important thing in our possession ( Matt. 16:26). We might make mistakes in financial, political or even health issues. One area we cannot afford mistakes is the area of the soul. Matthew…

  • Does the spirit of God dwell in the individual Christian?

    For many years there has been controversy among God’s people about whether or not God dwells personally in a Christian or if He dwells by means of the written Word.  In days gone by it did not serve to break fellowship among faithful brethren.  Those who maintain that God’s Spirit dwelt within them, continued to live…

  • Where Does God Dwell?

    One of the great attributes about God is that He is everywhere.  In the opening of the book of Job God asks Satan where he has been? (Job 1:7).  The answer was that he had been over all the earth, walking up and down in it.  The answer shows us that Satan is not God…

  • Why are people reluctant to study the bible?

    Go back to the time of Christ on earth. A confrontation occurs in Matthew 15. The Pharisees came to Jesus over the issue of the “tradition of the elders” (verse 2). Jesus turned the tables on them by accusing them of transgressing the commands of God by their traditions. The word “transgress” means to go…

  • What the Spirit Says to the Churches

    We find these words several times in the letters addressed to the seven churches of Asia as recorded in Revelation 2,3.  Briefly let us look at the first one, that being the church at Ephesus.  They were a hard working group of Christians.  They took a stand against evil and those who promoted evil.  Jesus,…