Author: Charles Blair
Why is the preaching of the social gospel so appealing to many?
Politicians and political parties have long understood the power of perception. They take 30 seconds on a television ad to show you the candidate and why you should vote for him. The idea is to package the person before the camera and present the best picture possible. The picture and the candidate may be entirely…
Men of War, Fit for Battle
The book of 1 Chronicles opens up by tracing the family lines of the Israelites. Chapter ten concerns the death of Saul, the first king of Israel. Chapter eleven is about David becoming king and capturing Jerusalem for his base of operations. Beginning in verse 10 of chapter eleven there is a list of David’s…
Is God The Standard?
Is it wrong to take something that does not belong to you? If man came from the animals, then what is the nucleus for the idea that stealing is wrong? Where in the animal world does one find an animal regretting his decision? Since such things do not exist, how then does man assert that…
Why does the government try to make laws that conflict with God’s laws?
The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil (I Tim. 6:10). Those who are seduced by it cause themselves to trust in uncertain riches (verse 17). The Christian is taught to use his money wisely but the thrust of his life is lay up his treasures in heaven (Matt. 6:19). The…
What Kind of Sword?
Events in Iraq point to growing hostility on the world’s stage. This is not some civil war in that part of the world. This is about the exertion of the will of one group over another with a view toward others. A civil war is just that. It is localized as one group seeks to…
What about the new movie “God Is Not Dead”?
There is an increase of movies being made from the viewpoint of Christian principles. They are said to be “Christian movies” for all the family. As to content of some of these new movies family values are lifted up, connection to a church and honest conduct by the actors and actresses are portrayed. This in…
How do we understand 1 Tim. 4:8 today with all the emphasis on physical health?
What God says is always true (Rom. 3:4). The wisdom of man is of this earth, by definition earthly, sensual and devilish (James 3:15). Exercise and eating the right kind of foods in moderate amounts can make one’s life better in terms of health. The problem is when man tells us what exercises, food and…
Salvation By Works
Some parts of the religious world have often taught that you cannot be saved by works. We have even had some in the church to espouse the same false idea. How then do we solve the issue? We should know that man has to have knowledge beyond himself to direct the course of his life…
Why is suicide a growing problem in our country?
Suicide, by its very nature, comprises selfishness. The individual has given up for one of two reasons. Either they cannot face what they have done or they think that things cannot improve. I use the word “selfishness” with some reserve. Leaving a note behind does not answer questions that family and friends try to answer.…
When Hope Dies
Man in sin is without God, without Christ and without hope (Eph. 2:12). This expression is made in regard to the Gentile world but it certainly describes all men who are outside of Christ. This same chapter opens up by telling us that men are dead in their trespasses and sins (verse 1). Those who…