As Christians, how do we explain the events in our own lives as it relates to God?

We begin by understanding that once sin entered our world, everything changed.  Those changes brought pain and suffering into our hearts and minds.  If one would want to view God in a correct manner look at what Adam and Eve had before they were taken in by Satan.  They had each other, work to do and there was no threat to them of any kind.  Their rest at night would have been so wonderful because there was no animal or man to threaten them.  They had each other and hence no danger of a third party entering into their happiness.  No pain in their bodies or threats to their world.  Satan changed all that.

As we look at our lives we should not be looking for some means to blame God.  I know by what I read in Genesis 1 and 2 of what God desired for man.  I likewise can see that Jesus says He came that men might have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10).  This is not a statement about physical life because man already had that. This was a statement about the spirit of man and coming to enjoy the blessings of a relationship with God (Ephesians 1:3).  Going back to the bulletin article, God is right.  Great caution should be exercised by all of us to not assign a given action as being from God.

People sometimes in a time of crisis will say something like, “well, it was just God’s will that this happened”.  If I state something is God’s will there must be something in scripture that causes me to reach such a conclusion.  If there is no scripture then my suffering causes me to try to bring God down instead of lifting me up to Him.  When something takes place in our lives that we cannot explain, what then?  God’s answer is that He has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness (II Peter 1:3).  Anything beyond scripture is not mine to know (Deuteronomy 29:29).  I am bound to answer for my faith and hope but I am not obligated to explain everything that happens in life (I Peter 3:15).