The integrity of God rest on the foundation that God cannot lie (Titus 1:2). The voice or testimony of two witnesses should in most cases verify the truth. The writer of Hebrews explains how it is that God cannot lie. One is the oath that God made and the second is God Himself. By these two immutable (unchanging) things it is impossible for God to lie (Heb. 6:18). If God says He will do something, then He must keep His Word because His integrity as God rests upon the fact He keeps His Word.
God made a promise to Abraham in the long ago. The promise was that One of His descendants would bless all humanity (Gen. 12:3). Paul explains the One descendant was Jesus the Christ (Gal.3:16). Could this promise have been fulfilled in some other person? Consider the end result of the promise. What One person in all of human history has ever blessed all humanity? Wars have been waged across the scope of all humanity in the name of power. When the world, nation, community or home is faced with someone who loves power, suffering occurs. Jesus stated that by His coming He came to give humanity an abundance of life (John 10:10). Those who follow Jesus have thrown down the sword and find peace in Jesus the Christ (Rom. 5:1).
Abraham had two sons which have touched humanity. They were Ishmael and thirteen years later, Isaac. The descendants through Isaac lead us to Jesus. The descendants of Ishmael lead us to Mohammad. Moses said there was coming a Prophet out there in the future which all men should listen to (Deut. 18:15). The passage cites these qualifications. The Prophet would be raised up by God and He would come from the midst of them. The, them would be the Hebrew people or the Jews. This Prophet would be like Moses. Moses is different than other prophets in as much as he was selected by God to give the law to the Hebrew people.
Jesus was the lawgiver (Gal. 6:2; John 1:17). All the prophets in the Old Testament called upon people to return to the law of God but they added no new law since the days of Moses. Jesus, like Moses, gave the law. Upon this evidence, Mohammad could not be the Prophet that Moses had in mind. Men like Moses did not write from the point of observation of the times. They wrote as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:20,21). Jesus is the only One who has blessed all humanity by what He gave to the world, Himself and a new law to live by.
Some in the religious world go to Genesis 12:3 to argue that we should back Israel. The language they pull out is that God will bless those who bless Abraham. Let us take time and clear away some of the confusion. Trace the history of Israel. When they were obedient to God. God blessed their crops, wealth and direction in life (Isaiah. 1:19; Jeremiah10:23)
When they chose to disobey then God would allow their enemies to come against them. In the case of the Northern kingdom of Israel God allowed them to be carried away into Assyrian captivity. Later on Judah would face the same fate by Babylonian captivity.
Now try the words, “bless them that bless you and curse them that curse you”. One looks at the life of Abraham and can understand the great care God had for Abraham and His descendants. What we must keep in mind it the purpose of Abraham and his descendants. It was to provide a race of people through whom Jesus would come. Jesus came to save all men, both Jews and Gentiles (Gal. 3:27; I John 2:2; Eph. 3:6).
The confusion which is created is the idea that if we take care of Israel then God will bless us as per Genesis 12:3. Brethren I support Israel because of their kind of government in that part of the world that is more closely aligned with us in this country. I am not in support of Israel because they are God’s chosen people. The Jew today is the one who has been circumcised in his heart and not in his flesh (Rom. 2:28,29; Gal. 3:29). Those who choose to believe in the rapture do so by misunderstanding Genesis 12:3. They have forgotten the real promise of God.